Technical Consulting
Technical Consulting
Wall Control Blasting Support Service [BGTCS1]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offer a surface mine Wall Control Blasting Support Service that includes: Familiarisation with current practice, field measurement, analysis and modelling. The service may also include: Audit, training, risk analysis and support for field refinements.
Blast Vibration Control Service [BGTCS2]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offers consulting services for vibration control. Blasting applications include: Compliance monitoring, protection of infrastructure and optimising charge weight distribution throughout the blast pattern. The consulting service will involve the measurement, analysis, modelling, prediction and control of ground vibration. The service may also include: Baseline auditing, advice on equipment selection, training and risk analysis.
Rock Shelter Protection Service [BGTCS3]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) provides technical consulting that aims to protect / preserve the place and any environmental aspect(s) or heritage object(s) of interest. The service includes: Familiarisation with the aspects/objects of interest, as well with the current blasting and monitoring practices, field vibration measurement, analysis and modelling. The service may also include: Audit, training, risk assessment, noise monitoring (bat disturbance), statistical analysis of data, and support for field refinements.
Flyrock Risk and Control Service [BGTCS4]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offer a Flyrock risk and control service that includes: Familiarisation with current practice, field measurement, analysis and modelling. The service may also include: Audit, training, risk analysis and support for field refinements.
Airblast Control Service [BGTCS5]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offers consulting services for airblast management. Blasting applications include: Airblast due to mechanisms such as stemming ejection, cratering and piston effects from bulk movement of large faces. The consulting service will involve the measurement, analysis, modelling and control of airblast. The service may also include: Baseline auditing, training and risk analysis.
Environmental Noise Control Service [BGTCS6]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offers consulting services for environmental noise management. Non-blasting applications include: Loaded / unloaded ore transport by road or rail, and conveyor belts. The service will involve field measurement, filtering and analysis, and identification of potential control strategies for environmental noise reduction. The service may also include: Baseline auditing, training and technology transfer.
Data Analysis Service [BGTCS7]
BGPL offers a data analysis service to clients who want to extract the most useful and relevant information from their existing databases. In this regard, workplaces can be data rich but analysis poor. Such an imbalance can be corrected by utilising the BGPL analysis service. Even with limited data we have powerful techniques, such as the Monte Carlo Bootstrap, to obtain useful information. The consulting service will involve: review of data quality, detailed analysis (based on data volume and type), and client requirements. The service may also include: an audit of data collection practices, training and technology transfer.
Blasthole Stand-off Distance Service [BGTCIS_8]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) offers a service which uses dynamic stress analysis to calculate the stand-off distance for a blasthole. This calculation requires information on the rock mass properties, the charge geometry and the explosive properties. Based on this input our propriety model makes a firm prediction for the stand-off distance to avoid damage to the surrounding rock mass in open pit and underground operations.