Management Support Services
Management Support Services
Independent Audit Service [BGMSS1]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) provides audit services for the geotechnical and drill & blast departments. Audit templates can be developed to determine compliance with: specific legislation, company standards, and internal hazard management plans. Appropriate templates can also be developed to rate in-house practices against industry best practice. For internal audits we can provide team members and/or an audit team leader; for external audits we can, when appropriate, include site personnel as team members for logistical and developmental purposes.
Risk Facilitation Service [BGMSS2]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) provide a full range of risk facilitation services for mining companies and specialise in geotechnical and blasting risks. The Director has developed expertise and has had longstanding interest in all aspects of risk management. The risk assignment may employ qualitative, semi-quantitative or quantitative criteria. BGPL have risk tools which can be used but we also use clients in-house tools and procedures as required. Independent audits, incident investigation and safety systems development facilitation is also available.
Principal Hazard Management Plan Service [BGMSS3]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) are positioned to facilitate the development of a Principal Hazard Management Plan(s). A principal hazard can be defined as a hazard associated with mining operations that, has the potential for multiple fatalities, including cumulative. Such plans are/ will be required under the new WHS regulatory regime (Chapter 10 or Non-core mining specific) for principal hazards. This service is outlined below along with possible application areas that BGPL would be able to assist with. The service may include: audits, review of existing systems, training and implementation support.
Explosives Management Plan Service [BGMSS4]
Blasting Geomechanics Pty Ltd (BGPL) are positioned to facilitate the development of a Explosives Management Plan (EMP). An EMP is a plan that documents how risks to health and safety of a person arising from the use of explosives will be eliminated or mitigated as far as is reasonably practicable. Such plans are required under the current legislative regime. Our approach is outlined below. The service may also include: periodic audits, review of existing systems, training and implementation support.